Time was on my side…

I’m glad I was able to capture this moment last week. This image may seem simple to many but for me it revealed some deep reminders of God’s care. So uplifting to see how God works amid a busy “hustle and grind” world when we just take the time to be still.

My drive past this particular street is generally uneventful and I often come across these two homeless men panhandling. But this particular morning, I saw the same men hovering near each other in the 90-degree weather, praying. They were so calm and still. I’m over here sitting in my car just in amazement and compassion for them. They weren’t concerned for the money they could have gotten but rather were focused on praying and with no cares to the heat. I wonder what led them to pray and what were they praying about? God knows. But all I know is that it made my heart still.

Can you imagine a beautiful moment easily missed if I didn’t take the time to be still!? By not taking the time? I’m grateful the Spirit allowed me to witness this and use it to encourage my heart. Its easy to look at these men and write them off as outcasts and hopeless. But God showed me that He cares for those society labels as the least of these. The unpopular. The overlooked. God provides hope for all and works through all. Made me think of my sister who is not walking with the Lord and currently homeless. I’m hopeful that God is working in her heart even though I can’t see it. Just as God led these two homeless men into prayer, I can only imagine the work He is doing in my sister’s heart now.

2 comments on “Time was on my side…

  1. You are such a talented writer…and I love your site’s theme “Be that spark in darkness”! Thank you for bringing inspiration into my day!

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